Wednesday, 18 July 2012

The American Civil War Is Calling Me.

One of the many periods I used to play before I quit gaming was the American Civil War. Lately I've been thinking about getting back into it but it wasn't a priority. Mainly because I still have all my War of Spanish Succession stuff to paint up for 'Maurice'. But a few weeks ago I picked up a cheap copy of the 'Johnny Reb III' rules on eBay. I was just going to leave it on the shelf until I got round to buying some ACW figures but then Pendraken announced a revised range of ACW figures.

They look great as you can see from the photos below. I was still going to wait but Pendraken announced their prices were going up on the 1st of August from £3.50 for a pack of 30 figures to £4.00 a pack. Now I'm thinking I should buy them before the price goes up even though they're probably going to sit in a box for months before I get round to painting them. If it was only a few figures I'd probably wait, but as usual I'm going to have to buy two armies as no one plays ACW locally. Buying now will probably only save me about £8.00 but being tight-fisted I prefer to buy things as cheaply as I can.

So it's going to be a battle between being sensible and not adding to the massive pile of stuff still awaiting paint and being unable to pass up a good deal and it's not looking good for common sense right now!

Anyway on with the pictures.


  1. Just dive in! ACW is an incredibly easy period to paint and a lot of fun to play. It may take you longer to figure out Johnny Reb than to paint the troops! Remember that Confederates are not just in gray, do plenty of troops in "butternut". I prefer Fire & Fury myself (brigade and regimental versions).

    1. I've used the ist edition Johnny reb rules in the past so hopefully I won't have to many problems picking them up. Yes one of the things I like with ACW are things like Zouaves it's so much more than blue & grey.

  2. Pendraken figures have been tempting me for months and I really would like to give 10mm WWII a go one of these days.

    1. I'm continually surprised by the amount of detail you can get in 10mm these days and the price makes them very attractive.


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