I'm one of those people that only like to game with painted figures. I don't mind if my opponents figures arn't painted I understand some people have lives. But using unpainted stuff just doesn't feel right to me. So I use my gaming schedule to help motivate me to paint. I find that if I have a game coming up I'm much more likely to get the painting done than otherwise.
So for my Warmachine game at Wessex Wyverns on Monday I'll have my 20pts of Khador from the 2 Player Battlebox finished. I should also pick up my 2 boxes of PSC Panthers on Monday night & they will be my next project. I'm hoping to get a FoW game arranged on Thursday at Christchurch Crusaders where I can use them. That will give me 3 days to paint up 8 Panthers so that shouldn't be a problem.
On Monday the 19th I'm teaching Steve Basic Impetus ancients. I have a few 15mm armies already painted & based for Impetus but I'm also part way through painting a Classical Indian army. I'd like to get that done in time for the game but painting the decoration on the elephants & chariots is a bit of a pain & as I have painted figures for both of us to use the motivation to get them done is less.
I'll try & get some pictures of the finished Khador on the site on Monday.
What type of company are you using fo the panther, SS or Heer?
ReplyDeleteAlso in the new Battle of the Bugle book (out in April) there will be reluctant trained Panther company, this might sound like a down grade but it might be interesting for as you will get alot more support for your points.
Just a thought
@Ben I'm using Pantherkompanie (Heer) for MW and a Panzerkompanie from Fortress Europe for LW.
DeleteI will say you like need some support for the panthers. a small unit of Nebs and some sort of Anti air would be useful with the way 3rd edition has changed things.
DeleteTrue but I'm sticking to tanks only start with to help me learn the rules. Less for me to forget :-)
DeleteOk I see your point. Once I have my Irish Guards up and running, I'll look to come down on Monday to the club and have a game with you if you like?
DeleteI'm just waiting on my PSC Sherman M4A4/Fireflies to turn up next friday. They should only take a week or two to paint.
Sure that would be great. If you want I don't mind travelling up to Warminster as long as it was during the day, or you're welcome to come down to me almost anytime for a game (joys of being retired). Doesn't have to be FoW I could show you Impetus if you want.
DeleteI'm more than happy to host games and I'm happy to play most games. I'll see when I'm free to come to the club and we'll work it from there. I have a feeling I'd be down the first or second monday of April.
DeleteOk no problem. You can check my availability on Monday's here: http://www.wessexwyverns.org.uk/phpBB3/viewtopic.php?f=32&t=2658
DeleteAlso please let me know what Impetus is like (you cna post it on the Exiles forum if you like). I'm looking for an ancients system to get into, FOG is winning at the moment but I'm still open to ideas.
ReplyDeleteI'll post a review of Impetus on the blog either today or tomorrow.
DeleteI'm with you on the whole 'unpainted mini's on the table' issue. I've never used any unpainted figures in all the years I've been wargaming. It just feels wrong. Mind you it never stopped my opponents from massacring my armies with their unpainted hoards....oh the injustice!
ReplyDeleteI always remember someone once saying 'how do you expect your miniatures to fight well for you if you can't be bothered to paint them.' But, like you, it's never helped me out yet. :-)
DeleteI like to use painted armies, but I will use unpainted models to try an army out, with the goal to get them done if I like the combo/mix.
DeleteBut I always love to see two painted armies on the table no matter what level of skill they were painted with.