Monday, 4 November 2013

I Hate Wargames Foundry!

Let me start off by saying that I don't actually hate Wargames Foundry. If anything I should say that I hate Neil Shuck but that's not really fair either, let me explain.

When I'm painting I like to listen to podcasts, in particular Meeples & Miniatures. This time it was Ep116 where Jake Thornton was talking about his fantasy rules 'God of Battles'. I have no real interest in fantasy gaming, but the fates were colluding to change that state of mind. I'd just watched a play though of Mantic's 'Kings of War' on Beasts of War and as the rules were free I'd toyed with the idea of giving it a try. So I was perhaps more receptive to the idea of fantasy gaming than usual. The more I listened to Mr Thornton talking about his rules and the ideas behind them the more I liked the sound of them. So when I'd finished painting I did a quick internet search for 'God of Battles' (there was surprisingly little out there) and read a couple of battle reports and reviews. I'd more or less decided to give it a miss for now as I have a ton of projects on the go, but then I had one of those 'what the heck, let's buy it' moments all too familiar to most wargamers.

This is where Wargames Foundry comes into the picture as they sell the rules. I placed my order on their site and noticed that they said they usually despatched orders on the same day but things could take longer. Now as a wargamer my mind interpreted this as being 'your order will be here tomorrow'! I placed my order on Thursday and of course it didn't arrive on Friday or Saturday or today, Monday. So I've been like a kid at Christmas the last few days waiting for the postman to deliver my present only to be disappointed when it doesn't arrive. Of course I realise they've probably been busy with the Crisis show being this last weekend but a wargamer's brain doesn't lend itself to logic.

To assuage the cravings I've been re-reading everything I can find on 'God of Battles' and even dug out some old Mantic figures I bought years ago that were still in the box. I'm wanting to get painting but without the army lists I'm not sure what I need. In short I'm suffering from withdrawal symptoms for a set of rules I haven't even got yet for a genre I'm not really interested in, and that's why I hate Wargames Foundry ... or Neil Shuck. I mean it's obviously not my fault I'm in this predicament ... is it?


  1. Shinyitus've got it bad.

  2. Hilarious. Now don't be silly and start taking responsibility for your own actions. Of course it's Neil's or Wargame Foundry's fault.
    I watched The KoW series as well, even though a month or two ago on my blog I swore off KoW or Impetus for lack of true interest.
    I look forward to your reviews.

    1. Phew, it's good to know my impending bankruptcy isn't my fault :-)

  3. Oh shiny. Dang I'm contaminated ;)

  4. I bought GoB...will probably never play it, but it is a nice read and an interesting sounding game.

    I'm sure it will eventually turn up...

    1. Hopefully I'll be able to get a few games in, if I can convince someone else to play.

  5. Ha, I did the same thing with Chain of Command. Preordered and waited for the hard copy to arrive, but part of the preorder was a pdf! How to satisfy the carvings if just for a little while. Hmmm a friend of mine calls me a Junky.....I wonder why.

  6. Have to say am a big fanboy of this game and it plays very well, from a 30min game to a full on 2 hour one.

    One prefers it as you do not need many mini's and it plays smoothly.

    1. Yes it has some fun mechanisms and a surprising amount of tactical depth.


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